I grew up on a relatively small farm in Ireland.
I spent my evenings after school sitting behind the steering wheel of tractors on the farm and spent my weekends standing on hedges at rallies all around the country. I played rugby to fill in the gaps but had to give up in 2010 when I started getting knee trouble.
I qualified as a car mechanic when I left school and soon figured that mechanics wages wouldn't pay for a motorsport addiction. That's when I found mountain bikes and mountain bike racing. I raced both downhill and enduro between 2012 and 2018.
After spending 6 months on a holiday in New Zealand in 2015, my wife and I decided to make the move permanently in 2017 and based myself right in the middle of the North Island in Rotorua.
The stunning landscapes inspired the move. It was only a matter of time before I picked up a camera.
After a pretty big mountain bike crash late in 2017 - the same month as we moved to New Zealand - I decided that racing didn't need to be my main focus for riding bikes. I could ride bikes without feeling pressure to always push harder and harder. That is when my focus started shifting towards taking photos. I had an old basic DSLR camera that never left auto mode. It never really left the house up until this point.
By mid 2019 I decided to sell the camera and buy something a bit better, that was when I bought my first full-frame mirrorless camera. The first taste of a professional camera was enough to get me hooked. I was out most evenings and weekends taking photos - all of which I'm not willing to share on here or anywhere, they were shockingly bad.
Then 2020 came. New Zealand went into lockdown with the arrival of COVID. I decided to put the lockdown to good use and try to master how to use my camera. I took an online course & spent hours researching on YouTube and started making some progress. I was finally getting images that caught peoples attention. I was starting to regularly get asked to photograph sports events and sometimes to supply photos for publication.
Then we went into lockdown again in September 2021. Living in a rural area and only being allowed to use a car for essential travel, I resorted to taking photos of what was within walking distance of home.
It was then I realized that I still had a love for looking at tractors working, and now taking photos of them at work. At this stage, I knew I still had a lot that I could improve on and learn so I figured I should really get some proper training as a photographer so I signed up to and completed a diploma in Professional photography & media.
I have since had the pleasure of working with many brands and get a real enjoyment out of seeing my work appearing in print advertisements, advertising banners and on websites of both national and global companies. I really do pride myself in capturing things from a different point of view to the norm. I really enjoy challenging myself artistically and I am always trying new things to improve my skills and to try to come up with new and original styles.
This is a small selection of my work up until now. I hope you enjoy it.
If you fancy a chat to find out how I think I can help you grow your business and how I think I can deliver something that can make you stand out from the crowd, don't hesitate, you'll find a way of contacting me under the contact tab.